A Place for Me
by O' Puppy

There's a place that exists
inside of me, and no matter how
difficult everything else in the world is
or becomes, it will always be there
to watch over me and to comfort me

Never once forsaking me in
all those times when I would fall
so very short of the many destinies
in my life that took me far away
from where it was I truly belonged

Forever guiding me with truth
and faith in knowing that I have a
sanctuary where I can leave my fears
and find an internal strength
to make it through another day

Oh how beautiful this harbor to
my soul that is endlessly waiting
patiently, with those sweet peaceful
open arms for me to come home
and rest my weary body in silence
Inside there has always been
A place for me

Ronnie D. Shreve
© 2003 used with permission


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