Said the apple to his pal
They say we are the best
An apple a day, keeps the Doctor away
That is the acid test

Oh no, squeezed the orange
I'm sir juicy on the block!
My vitamin C is a must
Or they'll need the Doc such a lot!

Ah, banana oozed
No fruit bowl is without me
I make a fruit salad complete
And just peel me for baby's tea.

But the bunch of grapes whined
I'm the country's economy
The Christmas dessert
Oh yeh, soooo bubbly me...

Well okey-dokey, grinned the pear
But I am real cheap
Everyone loves me
'Cause I am so sweet.

Sure, primed the plum
But I am The One
They long for all winter
I come with the sun.

Sly little strawberry
Waited shyly to scream
But I am for special
I go with the cream

Tut-tut coconut crunched
But I'm versatile,
I make cakes, drinks or casseroles
Even Chinese for style

Little mandarin chuckled
Hehe, I'm the kid's peel
They have me for lunch
A go anywhere sweet meal

Watermelon gurgled with a slosh
Well I'm luscious and huge
I grow the easiest
And I'm a drink in a food

Oh every day, we choose our fruits with a yippee yo yay
Like sweetest friends
And then we say,
Thank God, they're wonderful
Any time, every way!.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2006

Next time I pick fruit from the bowl
I will remember every wonderful friend like you,
Who fill my life with variety, love and fun
God bless you for making my day!.

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