Armed Forces Day
May 20, 2006

At the urging of Harry Truman
The third Saturday in May
The new Department of Defense
Proclaimed it, "Armed Forces Day".

A day to Thank all the Services
Who defend our air, land, and sea
Who serve our Country Proudly
Defending, this Land of the Free.

All those young Men and Women
And too, all of those "oldsters"
Who march, fly, and set sail
As Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Soldiers.

Some of them serve as "Regulars"
And some just do, the weekend
But all step forward, Strong and Proud
When we need someone to send.

The times have been a'changing
And missions they're asked to do
Grow much more complicated
Than what, they used to do.

They must be Warrior and Diplomat
With clenched fist or gentle touch
Pass the ammunition, feed the hungry
Build roads, hospitals, and such.

"A Tradition of Heroes"
Is what some people say
But, we all owe them, "Thank you!"
On this, "Armed Forces Day"

Del "Abe" Jones © 2006


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