~ Building a Memory II ~

An old oak tree offers shelter from the falling spring rain,
The warmth of puddles left behind,
Children splashing with childhood glee,
Shh, listen to the sound of laughter as they play,
They’re building memories that will never fade away

It’s the beauty of rainbows arching over oceans and seas;
The crescendo of the tides and swells
offering up their bounty;
Waves crashing along the coast, then peace;
The heron sings;
Children gathering purple flowers from beach peas,
Giggling as they build sand castles,
Lying on their backs making angel wings;
Shh, listen to the sound of laughter as they play,
They’re building memories that will never fade away,

In the fields of dreams I lie on my back
Painting pictures on canvasses in my mind
of indigo and red,
The sun is ablaze in the azure blue sky,
Beautiful flowers braded into a crown for my head,
Shh, listen to the sound of laughter as I play
I’ve built a memory that will never fade away,

Childhood slips away in the blink of the eye;
Memories are put to bed;
Today I observe my own
children and grandchildren entertaining
Where I once frolicked those many years ago;
Warm childhood memories stored on a shelf
For special occasions such as this;

I close my eyes, take a deep breath,
and become a child once again.
Shh, listen to the sound of laughter as I play;
I built memories that would never fade away.

 Janice B. Marler
© 9-10-06

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