~ Going Fishin' ~

Fishing trips are so much fun.
I remember them so well.
Playing with you in the sun.
Oh! the stories we can tell...

Grab your tackle father,
Lets plan a trip for two.
Skipping rocks across the water.
Is so fun for us to do!

Bait the hook with a large worm.
Or even a grasshopper will do.
Oh! how the fish will squirm.
As they eat a worm or two...

We'll have the biggest catch,
In no time at all...
Then the fish will snatch,
The worms dancing in the waterfall.

We'll catch rainbows from the water.
Their colors sparkle in the sun...
Fishing trips with your daughter,
They are so much fun...

Let's take a few moments,
To strike up the grill...
Give the fish some compliments
As we eat our fill.

I want your day to be happy,
Full of smiles and more.
For you are my loving pappy.
We caught fish galore...

Every day should be fathers day.
For wonderful dads like you...
What more can I say.
It comes from a heart so true!

Diane M. Lamphere © 2006



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