Grass and Morning Dew

I search for the invisible
To grasp within my hand,
Just some of Life’s intangibles...
I strive to understand.

My heart sighs with a silent tear
But boundless joy breathes too
Mingling in each moment’s breath
Like grass and morning dew.

The broken heart of you, my friend-
I’d heal this very hour
I’d take away each tear you've wept,
If it was within my power!

But the road is long, unwavering
With rocks along the way
Sometimes, truly, all I can do
Is get on my knees and pray…

I pray for God to hold you up
And strength to find its place,
To mingle in each living breath,
With God’s abiding grace.

If love can help and prayers can mend-
They both abound for you
Be embraced by them,
My dear sweet friend…
Like grass with morning dew.

Sharon Frye © 2008

~~Prayers Ascending~~
for our Dear Pokey, Denise Lanford



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