~ I Promise You ~

When you know nothing but
The empty beat of your heart
Somehow alone
Longing for the comfort of one
Who will understand
And listen to know

I will give, not just a token
But my life
To be exchanged for yours
I come to replace all the fear
The tears, the loneliness
The long empty years

I will become your peace
When the world is too loud
And too strong
I will be the quiet
The stillness
Where you can belong

For a place in my heart
I rose from the tomb
Your life is more precious
Than all else I do
I gave You myself
All I am is for you


Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2005

"C H R I S T W A S L O V E"
And still is.
Amazed in His presence...
humbled by His love.
Amen, love for us, forever He is.



Brought to you by www.spiritisup.com © 2005