~ Mountain Falls Grip The Heart ~

The sound of rushing waters
To grip the heart like stone.

White waters flicking foam.

The energetic, the buoyant,
Adventurous in spirit,
seek the raging noisy torrent,
Drawn to life be in it,
To wildly tumble
and to scream,
And then go back for more.
The rush, The thrill,
The majestic,
upon the other shore.

Take me on a journey
Fill my life to overflow with it,
I cannot stand still
while something else calls
I will not let it slip.
If I keep going back for more
I will find what I'm looking for,
It is there...I search... illusive
Of what can I be sure.
Pursuing on..
looking beyond..

To one day eventually discover
yonder there...
Way down the slope of life
where it appears so plain,
The river swelling, slows,
calm and hushed and still,
how gently there it flows.

The river smoothly running deep,
the heart again is gripped,
But this time in a powerful placid,
soothing calm,
the churning now is over,
Another way to seek.

The turmoil passes to
an abiding peace.
A calming quiet repose,
Sitting silent
drinking in,

To listen
to humbly learn,
From the One Who knows.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2004

There is an experience of the love of God
which, when it comes upon us, and enfolds
us, and bathes us, and warms us,
is so utterly new that we can hardly identify it
with the old phrase, God is love.
Can this be the love of God, this burning, tender,
wooing, wounding pain of love that pierces
the marrow of my bones and burns out old
loves and ambitions?
God experienced is a vast surprise.
Thomas R. Kelly

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