

Touch me, grasp me in the flow
Reach into the vast unknown
There is no mystery
I am always here
I am here for you alone


Touch me, you will see
As you feel life slowing down
There is no pit, too dark, unknown
I am all you need
I will catch you now

You may breakdown, for there is fear
But this is what you'll heed
That I am ever near
More near I cannot be, for
My breath is all you're meant to breathe


The one you draw each day for me
Is only when you lose your own
And then with joy you find my way
My promise yet
I am, just as I say

The broken are the ones I mend
The contrite soul is mine to keep
There comes the light and then comes peace
You are my friend
Love cannot cease


Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2006

No soul can be really at rest until it has given up
all dependence on everything else
and has been forced to depend on the Lord alone.
As long as our expectation is from other things,
nothing but disappointment awaits us.
Feelings may change,
and will change with our changing circumstances;
work may come to naught;
prayers may seem to lose their fervency;
promises may seem to fail;
everything that we have believed in or depended upon
may seem to be swept away,
and only God is left, just God, the God of all,
if I may be allowed the expression; simply and only God.

Hannah Whitall Smith

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