~ Thanks For Your Gift ~

I am your spirit sister
God sent me to you,
I am the one blessed
For in my heart, I have you.

I thank you for my eyes that now see
I thank you for bringing life back to me,
I thank you for helping me smell the flowers
For letting me taste the rain
Thank you for bringing me Jesus
I have finally changed.

If you were not part of me, as you are
I could not see the beauty of the world,
I would not be able to reach my star
Yet, you do not have to wonder at all this in me
For you give so freely
Without you,
I would never have eyes to see.

Linda Ann Henry ©2004
Do you remember me
The people's poet

Let no man write my epitaph until other men and another time do me justice

Thank you Jesus for giving me this angel. You in Your infinite wisdom sent me a friend, You sent me goodness, a pure heart and a caring soul.
Bless my friend with the words from our FATHER.
Help her to be happy as she makes others happy, Amen.


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