~ Angels All Around Us ~
by: O' Puppy

When the world is on your shoulders
And you don't know what to do
There's an angel somewhere out there
Who is watching over you

It's a gift that heaven sends us
Though we sometimes fail to see
Angels spread their wings around us
And they do it constantly

In a form we may not notice
In the way we never thought
They are always there regardless
In some way that can't be bought

Like the beauty of the seasons
With the flowers in the spring
And in summer with its reasons
In the sun and rain it brings

Autumn leaves and chimneys burning
Compliment a harvest moon
Until winter snows start churning
All those sacred Christmas tunes

Yes an angel has dimensions
Far beyond a naked eye
That are greater than a mountain
Reaching to a clear blue sky

And the neighbor who comes calling
Just to see if you're ok
Or the friend who stops your falling
When you stumble through a day

Like your family they all have wings
And without them you would die
For a heart and love that it brings
Is the very reason why

God created life so special
And because of it He knew
There should be some kind of angel
Always watching over you

Ronnie D. Shreve © 2002
 used with permission


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