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 ~ An Autumn Night ~

The sky is crystal clear
Every star is shining bright
The air is crisp and cold
And the moon casts such a light.

Your breath is seen as you exhale
A light breeze moves the leaves around
You hear the rustling everywhere
As they're swirled about on the ground.

The cacophony of insects
Tells you what may be in store
They know what's around the corner
That winter is at our door.

The smell of leaves burning
As you create a fire
To remove the chill that has set in
Warm clothing is required.

The trees are etched against the sky
The shadows cast make an eerie sight
This is the month of November
And a chill has set in this night.

You take a breath and fill your lungs
With the cool, crisp autumn air
You really love this time of year
No other can quite compare.

So take a walk on this autumn night
Notice the colored leaves upon the ground
The moon is high and the stars are bright
This silent beauty will astound.


Chee Chee Martin © 2005


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midi...arranged by:  Don Carroll
Houston, Texas


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