~ Bloom Where You Are Planted ~
Trying to grow where I didn't belong...
Unhappy, unhealthy, and not very strong...
Each day a struggle, to try and fit in....
Feeling like failure, before I'd begin.
Then it all came to me, suddenly clear...
I just wasn't meant to live my life here!
If each day's a struggle, with no way to win...
Perhaps it's the surroundings you have yourself in.
Recently I was just telling a friend...
How effortless happiness is in the end...
You can't ever force it, or mold it, you see...
It just has to be, what it just has to be.
So, if ever I've learned a lesson in life,
When everything's hard, and struggle, and strife...
If ever your world seems impossibly slanted...
You're trying to bloom where you just weren't planted!

Janeane Bolton
 2003 used with permission


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