~ Can Dreams Come True ~

I often wonder if what they say is true
That wishes are dreams and dreams can come true
Since I have met you my dream has been one
That we can be together till time's setting sun

A dream that has started on the first day we met
Never to leave my thoughts a day I will never regret
My wish was that we could meet and that came true
Now all I want is to live out my time with you

So if wishes are dreams and that one was real
With the love that has come to me is all I do feel
Then my dream for tomorrow is that we never part
That our love will continue to grow as the start

So I know wishes are dreams and they can come true
Or I would have never experienced meeting you
So the next one that I have is what I said before
That our love will grow till time is no more

Gary Salter © 2004

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