~ Grandma's Help In The Yard ~

"Summertime is here again,
Let's get out in the yard!"
"I'll help you mow that grass,
and hoe the ground, (so hard!!!!)"

"I know you miss that wisteria,
I mistakenly cut down last year,
but it is coming out again!!!!
Just lookie over there!!!!"

"Thanks for picking up those piles
of sticks I left for you...
I like to trim the bushes...
(and I know you love for me to!)"

"I'll mow my turn...I went my round...
now, you come do your twenty,
Whew!!!!! This yard work is very hard,
but you've help in me aplenty!!!!"

"Hand me those clippers while you mow...
I'll find something good to cut...
hmmm...hope that was only a weed...
will you miss that plant so much???"

You take a break and wander over,
to ask who I'm talking to...
"why it's just this little bush I cut,
that once belonged to you!"

Yep, summertime is here again,
"Let's get out in the yard!"
"What?" "What's that you say?!!"
"Why you're too young to be THAT tired!!!!!"

Denise Lanford © 2004



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