~ My Sister ~

Today, as I sat and counted my blessings, one by one,
You came to mind and I thanked God for my sister.
You are my friend and a mentor for me to look up to.
You cared about me when I felt lonely.

You sat with me when I was ill.
Only God could have chosen you for me.
How blessed it is to have you in my life.
I have you to call on when I need advice.

It is you I think of when I need to be comforted.
Yes, you are my sister, by divine guidance, I am sure.
God knew I would need someone in my life to dry my tears,
To hold my hand when things became unbearable.

Thank you, dear sister, for being there for me;
To cheer me up when things go wrong,
To laugh with when I do not feel strong,
To cry with me when I feel so all alone.
God knew that I needed you and He made you bold,
So I would have someone to teach me
What to let go of and what to hold ~
Dear to my heart and not to let go.
© by Sarah Berthelson
used with permission
Sarah's Book "He Guides My Path"
may be purchased at:
Barnes And Noble,
Borders and Amazon


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