~ Haiku Game X ~

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can see it by clicking
First verse by Dragonfly, next and every other
verse by Lady Bleaux.

Cherish the moment
It will never come again
Now is all we have

Now is all we have
Here on this earth, yet the soul...
goes beyond the veil

Goes beyond the veil
And into the great unknown...
Our own hopes and fears

Our own hopes and fears
buried deep within our souls
No one sees or knows...

No one sees or knows
Our secret face. Only one
We show to the world

We show to the world
Our laughter on the outside
While inside we weep

While inside we weep
The tears are like medicine
Hurtful but healing

Hurtful but healing
As we tame zealous pride, and
Know humility

Know humility
Embrace it like a brother
Never let it go

Never let it go ...
In the words of the pack rat

If you should throw it away,
You'll surely need it

You'll surely need it
Lots of determination
True grit always wins!

True grit always wins!
It polishes the rough gem
Patience is virtue

Patience is virtue
Oh Lordy! Patience! Patience!
Alas, mine is shot...

Alas, mine is shot
But I'm going to keep it
I'm attached to it

I'm attached to it
And yes, it's attached to me
Me and my shadow

Me and my shadow
So different, so alike...
My portrait in black

My portrait in black
Painted by yesterday's tears
Unwanted treasure...

Unwanted treasure
Regains value when seen through
A new set of eyes

A new set of eyes
Each time you see with your heart
Opens new vistas

Opens new vistas
Stretching from the past into
Futures yet unknown

Futures yet unknown
As we probe the universe
A new dawning age...

A new dawning age
No one knows what it will bring
Let's hope for the best

Let's hope for the best
As we write our new pages
In the book of life...

In the book of life
Some days shine like a bright star
Others are like ink blots

Others are like ink blots
Deep distortion of blackness
Nightmares of the soul...

Nightmares of the soul
Resemble hot acid baths
Painful but cleansing

Painful but cleansing
As tears are cathartic
To the heart's spirit...

To the heart's spirit
How you see is all it knows
See only the good

See only the good
Block out the evil and bad
Keep the spirit pure...

Keep the spirit pure
You'll never have another
It deserves respect

It deserves respect
that which is present in all
The essence of life

The essence of life
is present in everything
Even rocks have lives

Even rocks have lives
more so than some people do
Get up ... Get a life!

Get up ... Get a life!
Happiness won't seek you out
You have to find it

You have to find it
seek and know your path in life
Follow your heart's dreams...

Follow your heart's dreams
If you can understand them
Heart-speak can be strange

Heart-speak can be strange
as well as tricks of the mind
Best are heart's instinct

Best are heart's instinct
To just keep up the beat
Heart, don't fail me now

Heart, don't fail me now
Find that ole hidden courage
Help me brave what comes...

Help me brave what comes
With each and every new day
Be it good or bad

Be it good or bad
What other may think or care
I do my own thing

I do my own thing
The world can deal with it or
Go jump in the lake

Go jump in the lake
on those hot sweltering days
Feel cool caresses...

Feel cool caresses
Of the morning mists blowing
From the lake waters

From the lake waters
comes mysterious whispers
Ever beckoning...

Ever beckoning
Like the song of Lorelei
Deadly seduction

Deadly seduction
Dances with dark illusions
In veils of deceit...

In veils of deceit
Some sparks of truth still exist
Stars in a black sky

Stars in a black sky
Shine like undying friendship
Brightening the spirit

Brightening the spirit
Takes lots of spirit polish
Things like love and hope

Things like love and hope
Are the melodies of life
Music of the heart

Music of the heart
Reflected in the steady
Beating of the drum

Beating of the drum
Urging, never miss a chance
To get up and dance!

To get up and dance
Isn't that much of a choice
You can't help yourself

You can't help yourself
When yummy desserts entice
Soft dreamy delights

Soft dreamy delights
Oreos crumbled in milk
Add sliced bananas

Add sliced bananas
Sure! Why not indulge yourself
Enjoy life's pleasures

Enjoy life's pleasures
Dum vivimus vivamus
You're a long time dead

You're a long time dead
In throes of melancholy
Dark clouds of anguish

Dark clouds of anguish
Vanish with a bit of joy
It doesn't take much

It doesn't take much
Sharing time with another
And yet so priceless...

And yet so priceless
Is time. The coin we use to
Pay for everything

Pay for everything
You must pay for the music
If you want to dance!

If you want to dance
Get out there on the dance floor...
Partner optional

Partner optional
How does the lone wolf survive?
He's always cruising!

He's always cruising
In tasty bait filled waters
Ah - the hunts the thing

Ah - the hunts the thing
if your gun has live ammo
And not shooting blanks...

And not shooting blanks
Can be very dangerous
You could harm a friend

You could harm a friend
With little thoughtless remarks
Some words can cut deep...

Some words can cut deep
And heal so very slowly
Some will never heal

Some will never heal
Time gentles the hurting soul
The balm of ages...

The balm of ages
Must surely be chocolate
Honey is good too

Honey is good too
A sticky gooey delight
Nectar to the soul...

Nectar to the soul
Is also food of the Gods.
Ambrosia and mead

Ambrosia and mead
Make for dizzying delights
Raising the spirits

Raising the spirits
Requires very tricky spells
Not for novices

Not for novices
When you're playing for big stakes
Use caution and guile...

Use caution and guile
When dealing with a stranger
Keep all your doors locked

Keep all your doors locked
Against that which lurks without
In the dark of night...

In the dark of night
Strange things move and flit around
They often go "bump"

They often go "bump"
Ah, yes on those old dirt roads
Many happy trails...

Many happy trails
Wind through our young memories
Howdy, Gene and Roy

Howdy, Gene and Roy
Our heroes of yesteryear
Oh, those bygone times...

Oh, those bygone times...
Were they "the good old days" or
Colored by our dreams

Colored by our dreams
anything is possible
Sometimes dreams come true!

Sometimes dreams come true
Even if we don't want them
Fate goes it's own way.

Fate goes it's own way
on destiny's lone winding
path among the stars...

(Continued HERE)

& Barbara LaBarbera

 © 2004 used with permission


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