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~ Haiku Game Xll ~

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First verse by Dragonfly, next and every other
verse by Lady Bleaux.

Those Summertime Blues
There ain't no cure for them
Shades of Rock 'n Roll

Shades of Rock 'n Roll
Ever fills my rebel soul
Give me the night life!

Give me the night life
because I love to boogie
That is one strange word

That is one strange word
Love, with just one syllable
Affection defined

Affection defined
Unreasoning attraction
Mystical and strong

Mystical and strong
Are powers of the psyche
Boundless energy

Boundless energy
Thy name is a two year old...
A little buzz saw

A little buzz saw
Ripping away through the house!
My pet puppy dog...

My pet puppy dog
Warm comfort in a cold world
Non-judgmental love

Non-judgmental love
what the lone heart ever seeks
But is seldom found

But is seldom found
in this hard, constricted world
Happiness that's free

Happiness that's free
perhaps butterfly kisses?
Embracing the stars?

Embracing the stars
Is a real armful of joy
It makes us bigger

It makes us bigger
giving our time to others
A much fuller heart...

A much fuller heart
can lead to hypertension
Bleeding anyone?

Bleeding anyone?
after long divorce battles
And the lawyer wins!

And the lawyer wins
the still twitching, warm body
Danged legal vultures

Danged legal vultures
even chase ambulances
And where's the doctor?

And where's the doctor
Dragging his fees to the bank
Hope is expensive

Hope is expensive
When pinned on risky ventures
It pays to be wise

It pays to be wise
In the ways of the world today
Watch out at all times

Watch out at all times
for they're around everywhere
Angels unaware

Angels unaware
of petty prejudices
Protect everyone

Protect everyone
use sun screen during summer
Gotta save that hide!

Gotta save that hide
It's what keeps all your innards
Neat and in one place

Neat and in one place
slaves the tidy housekeeper
Which I'll never be!

Which I'll never be
In my present tour of life...
Hung-up on money

Hung-up on money
and material riches
But poor in spirit

But poor in spirit
is the closed and narrow mind
They're barely alive

They're barely alive
traditions and good manners
Lost to life's fast pace

Lost to life's fast pace
is time to smell the roses
How tragically sad

How tragically sad
are the wandering homeless
Hearts seeking shelter...

Hearts seeking shelter
Cannot find it in this world
They must build their own

They must build their own
good solid reputations
Earned by honesty

Earned by honesty
Saved by the wisdom of thrift
Hooray for nest eggs

Hooray for nest eggs
much needed by everyone
Regardless of age

Regardless of age
our blood traces the circle
Through our own bodies

Through our own bodies
course deep thoughts and emotions
Forming who we are...

Forming who we are
Is really a life time job
We're works in progress

We're works in progress
Upward and ever onward
Always improving...

Always improving
products I already like

Time spent dwelling on the past
Live for tomorrow!

Live for tomorrow
Today is almost over
Yesterday is dead

Yesterday is dead
Lost now and gone forever
To the winds of time...

(Continued HERE)

& Barbara LaBarbera

© 2004 used with permission

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