If you missed the Haiku definition you
can see it by clicking here!
First verse by Dragonfly, next and every other
verse by ThunderWolf

~Haiku Game Part XXX ~

Adventure is mine!!
Says the kid while hugging his
Daisy B-B gun.

Daisy B-B gun
sometimes kindled violence
When in the wrong hands

When in the wrong hands,
Even a soft pillow is
A deadly weapon

A deadly weapon
Steals onto your Computer
As worms and Trojans

As worms and Trojans
Crawl or defend their castles,
Greeks build a horse.

Greeks build a horse
Their ancient scheme well laid
with dire treachery

With dire treachery
The black widow spider weaves
Her bridal bower.

Her bridal bower
resounds with empty echoes
A heart break untold ....

A heart break untold
Tortures the fisherman when
He has no more bait.

He has no more bait
and surely Neptune's laughing
At his foolish plight

At his foolish plight
He stands with his mouth agape.
"Why did I do that??"

"Why did I do that",
ponders the sad errant heart
'Midst their soul searching

'Midst their soul searching
Some seldom used things appear.
There's a real conscience.

There's a real conscience
often buried deep somewhere
Lost among ethics ...

Lost among ethics
And other outdated things --
An old red yo-yo.

An old red yo-yo
was found beside the old man's
Dingy hula hoop

Dingy hula hoop
Still floats around the waist like
A ring of Saturn.

A ring of Saturn
and a silken dress of stars ...
He pledges his troth

He pledges his troth
With crossed fingers and a wink.
Beware young maidens.

Beware young maidens
of dark sordid rendezvous
An ill fated tryst

An ill fated tryst
Would be between a worm and
A very starved fish

A very starved fish
Verily flaunted and swished
His fishy wish list

His fishy wish list
Had the desire for a kiss
From a trout he missed.

From a trout he missed
to a huge viper that hissed
The day lost it's bliss

The day lost it's bliss
As tears flowed from downcast eyes --
Raindrops clear and warm

Raindrops clear and warm
dance across earth glistening
On soft Summer winds

On soft Summer winds
Thistledown makes it's yearly
March across the heath

March across the heath
and harken to the stillness
of Ancient echoes ...

Of ancient echoes
And the whisper of lost hopes --
The sounds are dying.

The sounds are dying
of distant canopied dreams
In a timeless space ...

In a timeless space,
No one needs clocks or watches.
Age has no meaning.

Age has no meaning
it's only a false number
To the young at heart

To the young at heart
Laughter bubbles and flows ..
A pure spring of joy.

A pure spring of joy
the healing powers of nature
Soft tranquility

& Barbara LaBarbera

(Continued HERE)




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