"I Am A Soldier"

I'm a lonely soldier in a far away land,
Fighting for causes I may not understand.
Sleepless nights, no pillow anywhere for a head,
That wet and hard cold ground is a soldier's bed.

These strangers here with me are more than friends,
They feel more like family maybe even kin.
Together we fight for our families back home,
To give them a right of freedom to roam.

I've fought through trenches rain, snow and mud,
Watched my comrades fall covered in blood.
Freedom doesn't come cheap for the USA,,
Lives are lost to the war each and every day.

I defend my stripes, the Red, White, and Blue,
Just as the rest of my comrades do.
I go to war never knowing if I'll be back,
I'm a soldier, it's my duty, and that's a fact.

It was my decision, to wear my military gear,
And travel thousands of miles away from here.
I choose to protect my country and give my life,
Maybe leaving a child fatherless, or widow my wife.

Maybe I'm a Mother, Daughter, Son or even a Dad,
It doesn't make it any easier on the family I had.
They grieve if they loose someone to war,
Whether close or far away on a distant shore.

I am a Soldier, I chose to fight to keep my country free,
Just like my comrades, should I fall, don't grieve for me.
And should you see my name upon the wall,,
Remember I died a Soldier, not for one, but all !!!!


Brenda D King © 2005
Dedicated to all our Armed Forces,
and to all the families who lose a loved one each day..
God Bless Those Brave Men & Women, their families too,
Who have given their life for the Red, White and Blue !!

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