~ In The Darkness ~
The flames flicker from the camp fire
They leap up in the air
They lick at the leaves high above
The ground around the fire is bare.
The lightning bugs are blinking in the darkness
The moths hover near the light
The crickets are calling out to each other
The insects are making music this night.
The fallen branches are creaking
As if an animal is breaking them apart
The fire seems to be drawing them near
Any sudden movement and they'll dart.
I see a shadow in the moonlight
I think it might be a deer
I slowly peek around the tree
He's so magnificent and shows no fear.
I see movement out of the corner of my eye
As two more venture into view
There are now three deer standing so close
This is too good to be true.
The evening started with a campfire
I became aware of everything around
My hearing and vision became in tune
With what I can see and hear year round.
Chee Chee Martin
© 2004 used with permission


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