~ Life Trails ~

I started walking down a path...
to see where it would lead,
so many different twists and turns...
which one should I heed????

I took the trail my spirit chose,
and walked along the path...
seeing little birds and bees,
stopping to smell this, and that...

another path branched off the trail,
so, I took that one too!!!!
OH! The wonders I beheld
that I wish I could share with you.

Many lessons I did grasp
on these trails shared with my soul...
mind photos I will never forget...
memories to treasure as I grow old.

Great Spirit, forever keep my heart
as tender as your hand...
and thank you for the wonders
you've blessed me with on land.

Help me to always realize
these seemingly worldly wonders
are gifts from our Spirit in the sky,
and come from way up yonder!!!!

Please keep my moccasins supple,
for there's so much more to see...
they wish to travel many more paths
before you call to me!!

Help me, Great Spirit to learn
the lesson in each heartbeat....
and when my walk is ended,
I can come to you complete.

Denise Lanford
© 2003 used with permission


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