~ Looking Back ~

As my time on Earth grows near to an end
To tell of my long life, it's a story hard to begin

I gave my all to be equal in life's share
And now I sit alone with not many seeming to care
I write and sing a song none hear me sing

I paint pictures of love and life, no one looks at the scenes
I speak of truth and justice and no one listens to what I say
My aged wisdom is pushed away, by youth that only lives for the day

I shall try to my death, to explain Life is the path we all take
With the first breath we take, the journey begins and at it's end we
will all make our mistakes

But the person who says they never made any mistakes..
Never did anything...

That unfortunate person never gave or cared or really lived
For it is the scars of Life that make us bold and strong
As with deep gleaming eyes of wisdom we spend our last years
Giving others Hope

The Path you have taken..May it be right or wrong
We learn from it so we may tell others and pass our wisdom along
For it is not what we have done that we regret so
It's what we could have done so many years ago

Perhaps only one person giving then would make a change
Showing a better way of life for others..
And at the end of our journey we die knowing,
The aged life has not been in vain.

© 2007 by
R. Brent in collaboration with
Bonnie Ray



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