Missing You


I miss you more than words can say
Pray God will take, the hurt away
To see you smile would make me whole
To touch, and hold you, would soothe my soul

I long to smell the scent, of your perfume
Once again, emitting, from within your room
Your voice holds such a sweet lullaby
And when I hear it, I want to cry

I miss you more then all the rain
Watering the Earth, on a spring time day
And to look upon your beautiful face
To me would feel, like Gods embrace

I miss you as much as the dark misses light
When the sun goes down, and day turns to night
I long to be with you, each day as I rise
And to hold you close, a sweet surprise

Remember I love you, and God does too
Don't ever forget, the me, and the you
Keep us both close to heart, forever more
And always remember, the love at your door

Debbie Looney © 03/18/2007


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