~ My Autumn Thoughts ~

As I look outside my window
All I see is golden hue

such a gorgeous autumn morn it is

I want to sit here
in the rays of dawn
and gently think of you

Imagine if we chose an apple
of the very brightest red
And wandered down the lane
just to see what is ahead

And then, on our return
to drink from this cool tap
Rest here 'pon the comfy wooden chairs,
be still and sofly chat...

Sigh....as always,
you'll leave your pretty hat

Soft autumn whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2007

"In the end, nothing we say or do in
this lifetime will matter as much as
the way we have loved one another."
~ Daphne Rose Kingma ~
from the book
Practice Random Acts of Kindness.


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© 2003 used with permission

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