~ New Year's Joy ~
Why is a New Year special
Why do we count down this time of year,
For we could become more tense
With the future bringing fear.
But, when we come to ponder it
So much has happened in our heart,
Something came to make us different
To walk a newer path.
We pictured the sweet innocence
Of the baby Jesus face,
And of how He gave His life
When He poured on us His grace.
So our hearts overflow with gratitude
And we feel a softness deep within,
Then fear for tomorrow lessens
Because of the peace that He will bring.
For His love brings us all closer
And we want to be together,
Just as the birds sing the brighter
Regardless of the weather.
We played our Christmas carols
And their beauty soothed our soul,
So we are more grateful
For wonders, to be told.
Which brings us to see more loveliness
In all people everywhere,
And we begin to smile more
By showing that we care.
We spontaneously do some helpful deed
Which brings us cheer today,
Then when we lay upon our bed
All cares just fly away.
As another new year begins
We forget to judge or criticize,
So all the empty bitterness
That was trapped inside, just dies.
Before we know it every moment
Has become the gladdest thing
Oh, Jesus our eyes are on You here
So we will always sing.
Blessings to all for the New Year

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2003 used with permission


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