~ No  More Sharing The Joys ~

Sooo tired, so very very tired
All weary from such celebratin'
There was the Christmas fun
And then all the new year entertainin'

Just let me rest a great big rest
I need a snooze real bad
Can someone help a friend re-coup
From all the bein' glad

Just find me now a little nook
Far, so far from glaring lights
Let me sneak back to my cozy box
And sweetly sleep way out of sight

Good night dear world
God bless you all
This is my loving good night call

Softest Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2005

The rooms were very still while the pages softly turned
and the moonlight crept in to touch the bright heads and serious faces
with the softest of goodnights.

Louisa May Alcott

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midi..."Aspenglow" words & music by John Denver
Sequenced by Donald F. Kornegay, May 1995

Brought to you by www.spiritisup.com © 2005