Not At Ease

He was not at ease…
To leave this world the same--
As before he heard the whisper
Of a voice that called his name…

He was not at ease…
To live a life for pleasure,
The whispers of his heart,
Led him to a higher measure.

No, he was not at ease…
To fade onto a shelf,
Fettered to an ego dream,
Was just not in himself…

He was not at ease…
To simply turn his cheek,
Inside his heart was singing,
A song, not for the meek.

No, he was not at ease…
And this world won't be the same,
As before we heard his voice,
And before we knew his name…

For he was not at ease…
A song sang in his blood,
It's still singing like a river…
Unbridled as a flood!

For Pat Tillman
With love and respect,
© Sharon Frye
Heroes Of The Heart







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