A Painting Of Love, From The Master Painter

On a clear day, I can see a painting in the sky
I see you, painted so loving and new
When I look, I see the wonder, people can view
Your eyes are the deepest blue
like the ocean in the sky
Your heart is red with color
as the Master designed
with His beautiful eyes
He told me you are a miracle
He wanted all to view
so that is why He chose, to paint the life of you

He has seen you crying
He has seen you laugh aloud with joy
the picture of the life in you He made
He loves to paint the beauty that He knows
and you can watch the color
He paints to tell you so

If you wonder why you are painted
it is because you can feel
What makes a loving person
who is so very real

Sometimes you may not think you can hold on to God
Who paints what others do not find
But His art is all around
and you will see the Master Painter
in his own special time

Jesus has protected you
as you walk in this world so true
When He paints you
I can hear the angels singing too

I can see His finished work in you
and God was very kind
For He only paints the blessed things
He proudly wants to show
and I can see
The Master Painter loves you so.

Linda Ann Henry © 2006
Do you remember me
The people's poet

Written with love for the Master Painter,
who knows us all.

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