~ Papa's Love ~
Once more, Papa peered out the window,
Gazing in the evening light,
It was time now for the evening chat,
To savor all the days delights,
Just before the rest of night.
The lamp was burning low,
Flickering on the sill,
He should be coming soon,
The hearth is glowing warm,
Together, is the father's will.
Something must have happened,
He's usually here with me,
Papa rose to check for shadows,
Falling on the path,
Wherever could he be.
Papa knew the time had come
To wander out and call,
His child is lost for sure,
Rambling in the dark of night,
Maybe even had a fall.
With heavy heart he left his place
Calling out his name,
My dear son, where are you,
My child I love you,
Are you crying out in pain?
Then feeble came the answer,
Frightened in it's plea,
I heard you calling in the garden,
But ashamed, I turned away
For You won't be pleased with me.
The Father's heart was breaking,
His child had lost the trust,
Broken now the cord of love,
Their evening dialogue
Lay shattered in the dust.
The child had heard a louder voice
Soft, enticing, smooth,
He thought it had the sound of love
Brighter, richer, fuller,
With all delight to soothe.
But now the taste was bitter
That voice brought only chains,
Regret raged within the darkness,
And as the agony of sorrow fell,
He staggered in the pain.
But deeper yet, The Father's love,
No debt could thwart His plan,
For He could heal the cruel grief
Release the grip of death
In the heart of every man.
My Son will die with all your guilt,
Placed within His soul,
His death will break the power of sin
To give everlasting life,
For any child to be whole.
Now it is done, Papa sighs contentedly,
While He watches at the hearth,
All His children returning home
Full of pure delight,
Come skipping up the path.
Little ones upon His knee,
Rest at His feet in loving gaze,
All are singing songs of joy,
Grateful for The Father's love
With never ending praise.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
 2003 used with permission

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