Life is like a fast moving stream
With all it's turns and bends...
Swiftly moving forward,
And yet, abruptly ends!

How tranquil is the place,
When the stream empties out at last...
Where the waters swirl more calmly
And the pace is not so fast...

Yet, in the rushing streams of life...
When you're tossed and thrown, it seems...
Perhaps those times hold lessons,
You'll need to fulfill dreams...

At the river's roughest points,
When you're as far as you can go...
Cast your eyes toward Heaven...
There might just be a rainbow...

Perhaps your imagination?
Might you be seeing things?
Or maybe it's an Angel's bridge,
To help you gain your wings?

One thing is for certain...
When the stream ends suddenly...
You'll be in a more tranquil place,
As it was meant to be.

Throughout your river's rocks and falls,
Through all it's turns and bends...
You're not alone, you'll see it clear...
When your river ends...

For He was right beside you,
To help you through it all...
Like that pretty rainbow....
So beautiful and tall...

So, when you're tossed and thrown in life...
And the row is hard to hoe...
Raise your eyes toward Heaven...
And see if there's a rainbow!

© 2003 used with permission

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