
Sometimes I wonder if our lives
Are like the sands of an hourglass
Some say we are here on borrowed time
And at times we move way too fast.

We don't take time to smell the roses
Or watch our little ones at play
Who knows where we will be tomorrow
Right now I will enjoy each day.

It's off to work we rush at dawn
And do not take the time to stop
To spend some quiet time with God
To say thank you Lord for all we've got.

We tend to say, maybe some other day
But some other day may be too late
God is the only one who knows for sure
When we will meet at Heaven's Gate.

So shall we take a few minutes, my friend
To smell the nectar of the sweet red rose
Shall we watch our little ones as they play
And take time to thank the one who knows.


Sandy Edwards © 2006



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