~ Spinning The Gold ~

It must have been a dream I had
Seeing just as in days of old -
A woman sitting spinning thread.
All colors - but no gold.

She sat there patiently at work
As she crafted every ball.
When she finished, looked in awe,
As each one turned to gold!

That must have also been the plan
As God scooped up the clay.
And molded man in perfect form
To walk this earth He made.

He used all of the colors
Perfecting each one to His choice.
And when He finished, I am sure
In awe He did rejoice.

He used each color He had spun
In different hues and ways.
If you think not - look out and see -
As night time turns to day.

The colors that we each shall spin
Will be our special choice -
Will God also look in awe
And shall the world rejoice?

For life is made of such as this.
Choices we make each day.
Will we spin our time to gold -
Or leave it hardened clay?

Life is worth it's weight in gold
As we sit restlessly and spin.
And when the ball is finished
The beauty lies within.

What colors would you use to spin
Just as in the days of old?
Pray you pick the colors
That God will turn to gold!


Mary Anne Ray © 2005

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