~ Suffer The Little Children ~
  They had no idea I was watching them,
He shoved her away,
She slugged him,
Both were screaming at each other,
She the sister,
He the brother.
He didn't want her to sit with him,
She wanted what he had.
The difference in their ages,
Two years.
She wouldn't give in,
Then swiftly flowed the tears.
Not a beat did they miss;
Then I heard him softly ask,
'Sissy, give me a kiss.'
She stopped whatever it was she
Was getting ready to do and
Sweetly gave him a kiss or two,
She placed her little arms about his neck,
Squeezed him tight,
This very wise little boy,
Age four,
Had used the wisdom of Solomon
To end their fight.
"Unless you become as little children
You shall not enter the kingdom of heaven."
 Matthew 18 and 19
As mature adults we will disagree,
On this we can rely,
We demand more of others
Than we do of ourselves;
We cry.
We weep as people make
promises they never intend to keep.
Today I learned a valuable lesson
From a four year old boy,
He ended his fight with love,
His wisdom was far beyond his years,
And it was enough to dry his sisters tears.

Janice Bumbalough Marler © 2003

Dedicated to two precious little children.
Aleisha, and Christian
Ages 2 and 4

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