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~ Sunsets ~
A setting sun is a sight for all eyes to behold
With the transition of the sky, as another day grows old.
Billowing white clouds and a beautiful sky of blue
Slowly change and create a totally different view.
Brilliant colors begin appearing before our eyes.
We all see a new colorful world materialize.
A touch of orange, flaming reds, golden yellows and bluish haze
Begin to show through and set the sky ablaze.
Reflections of light diminish at the end of the day.
As the sun sinks lower, the horizon changes to a somber grey.
Clouds start to appear as silhouetted islands dotting an endless sea.
It paints a picture in our minds showing Mother Nature's beauty.
Each and every sunset is something we all should cherish.
A daily gift of nature that we hope will never perish.
As the sun rises, in the morning, and begins a new day
We await that time to see another of nature's spectacular displays.


Thomas C. Menear
used with permission

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