~ The Greatest Is Love ~

And, the greatest of these is love!
The love that Jesus has for you and me.
Love that comes from our Lord above.
Love that reaches to the highest degree.

Love that fills my mind, heart, and soul
The greatest love I've ever known.
Love that makes me as a person whole.
The love that comes from God's throne.

His love is what guides my spirit
and keeps me on the right road.
Gives me a life of worth and merit,
a love that lightens my heavy load.

Love that in my heart leaves no doubt,
a love that gives me faith and hope,
a love that makes me want to shout.
Love that causes me to be able to cope.

Anything ever done without love,
is nothing but a sounding gong
and is surely not from God above.
It will sooner or later go wrong.

Always be genuine in what you say.
Forthrightness is the sincere key.
That's the only honest way,
the way that Jesus would be.

Faith and believing without doubt
with an honest heart that is open,
is something I don't want to live without.
I don't want love that's just a token.

In Father God steadily learning to trust.
Faith, hope, and love on wings of a dove.
For His unfailing mercy is forever just.
God's love fits more perfect than a glove.

Joyful Jan
© July 2010

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