
There once was a little school house on a hill.
Where many children went because
There they could sing and pray
Learn all about their Jesus and go
To the little church, not so very far away

It came to pass, the teacher told the children
There would be a holy day to mind
Set aside for the Lord Jesus, and they
Had to give, pretty blooms of every kind.

There was one little boy, whose family was very poor
and he came home very sad,
"What flower can I give the King of Kings?"
His mother put her child upon her knee,
"Believe, for the Lord will show His love to thee"

So as the day came close
All the children gathered special flowers
With great laughter in their hearts,
All but the boy, who worshiped Jesus..
Who prayed for a miracle
Only The Son Of God could impart.

The day finally came, and the room
Was beautiful, full of blooms of every kind
With all the happy children
Holding the biggest flower they could find.

But, the little boy had none, as to school he walked
That day, yet, his faith was strong in Jesus
Who knew about it all...suddenly, in the dew...
He saw aglow, the smallest yellow flower,
Oh, he would give it to the Lord
With all of his desire

His flower was so small, the other children laughed
and jeered him, almost out the door,
But the teacher cried "Children,
As this tiny flower is given with much love
It may be more beautiful than all the flowers
For Jesus sees it from above

Then something wonderful happened
A golden light appeared, and
Jesus stood before the flowers, blessing every one.
When he came to the tiny yellow flower
He picked it up, and asked
"Who brought this wondrous gift"

The little boy came with tears in his eyes "I did",
Jesus walked to the boy and whispered
"I loved everyone's flower,
But I know this gift came from the spirit"
"And because you gave me such a pure gift
It means more to me than any other"

Then Jesus touched the flower and it became
A gift of many flowers
Roses, orchids, daffodils and many more-
The flower turned into a flower bed

And the boy remembered what his mother said
"When the day comes
The Lord will show His love to thee"
From that day to this, as the boy became a man
Wherever he walked
He felt the love of God upon his head

Linda Ann Henry © 2009
Do you remember me
The people's poet


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