~ Tornado ~

Thunder is heard in the distance
Dark clouds are rolling in
Outside has become as dark as night
Streaks of lightning are illuminating within.

The shape of a funnel can be seen
Like a dancer, it tip toes to the ground
Then pirouettes across the landscape
Making its way towards a town.

The sound of the wind is deafening
It resembles that of a train
This tornado is doing a beautiful ballet
Drenching the earth with torrents of rain.

It touches the ground and then moves on
Destruction it leaves in its wake
Inching its way across the land
Whatever it wants, it takes.

Debris is swirling through the air
As it gracefully does its dance
Continuing to twist and turn around
Likes a steed, it starts to prance.

Just as quickly as it took shape
It dissipates into thin air
Becoming a part of the darkened sky
But I continue to watch and stare.

The surrounding land looks desolate
Deep gouges are here and there
Leaving its calling card for all to see
A thickness permeates the air.

The smell of dirt fills my nostrils
As the storm is now moving on
I glance quickly over my shoulder
To see the brightness of the dawn.

Different colors are now on the horizon
The arch of a rainbow can be seen
In the distance I see activity
The people are starting to convene.

The tornado left death and destruction
But we people have a resolve
We'll pick up the pieces and continue on
Learning from this, we will evolve.


Chee Chee Martin © 2006
Whisperings Of The Mind And Soul

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