~ The Turkey's Thanksgiving Wishes ~

So, here I perch resplendent
Aglow in all my glory,
You gaze upon me as your prize
Do tell, me of your story.

Thanksgiving, ah yes the time
When you're grateful for God's care,
Then I would think top of your list
Must be how big I am to share.

But, don't you be led on
Every year, you find I ain't that much,
God gave me a puff of feathers to display
But, I'm really very tough.

For you must cook me very slow
Baste and turn me all the while,
Sweat and toil, forcemeat and boil
The heat is sure to spoil your smile.

So, this year, go fetch a juicy pork
A tender chick or two,
Corned beef, the flavor of the day
Why, I'm too dry to barbecue.

Then when the easy bake is done
Put up your barely aching feet,
And watch me parade my strut
My gobbling will make you laugh with glee
As my thanksgiving treat.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission

~ You're never fully dressed without a smile. ~

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners
who make our souls blossom.
Marcel Proust

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