
~ Are You Virtually A Friend ~

Are we now virtual friends
Merely a touch of implied reality
Or are you really real,
Do you just have a cyber name
So I don't know who you are
Yet impress me with your skill.

Do we care in essence
To all intents and purposes
And are our feelings genuine to last,
Would you worry if I type unprofessionally
To communicate my heart.

Do you think about a social standing
Or on character that shines
Potentially divine,
If you knew all my quirks and faults
Would you truly be a friend of mine.

Might you fret about my looks
Or what is in my soul
Practically the more,
Do you secretly just delete my sends
And not open them at all.

Can you understand my life
Is it possible to care
Effectually from way over there,
Are my important events tangible
That you can always share.

If I climbed upon a lofty height
Or collapsed within a valley deep
Would you be interested to congratulate
Or yet so softly weep.

Are we connected for a reason
A plan beyond eternity
Chosen for a purpose,
Spoken forth from ages past
For what God has meant to be.

Are we laid on each other's hearts
As one to bear in prayer
Compassionately aware,
To be there to lift and encourage
In everything we share.

When my emails come into your box
Are you delighted then to see
Me, implicitly,
The same as if I arrived at your door
For a friendly cup of tea.

So tell me of a truth dear one
Is a cyber friend for real
As good as touchable,
Or am I merely escaping reality
To virtually find a sweeter deal.

Softly Whispered from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission

You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.


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