Within the book of our life ,
are pages filled with many things.
Some are written by strife
While others are written by love.

Upon each page a story told
Some sad ones, glad ones,
and some are written in gold.

As the years go by, and each chapter ends
there comes a page written,
remembering loved ones and friends,
Where we shared love ,laughter,
heartaches and tears.

Another page written
by the passing of years
Then one of lessons learned
as our wisdoms we earned

Before the last chapter is written,
we hope that when the book is read,
what we leave behind for others to see...
is a life lived fully and not one misread...

Filled with love and good meaning
remembered by all..
As one ..that was worth reading

Co-written by
Bonnie Ray And Rick Brent
© 2001 used with permission


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