~  Browsing For Treasure  ~
How special are the romantic nick-knacks
Tucked within a country store,
We never know what bric-a-brac we will discover
Behind the old bell-ringing door.
We love to cast our memories
Back to ole romantic days of yore,
When folks had time to stop and chat
No matter what they wore.
Allure drawing the heart to wander further in
Each aisle a mystery of a time now gone,
Creaky floorboards underfoot
Suspense for all the eyes will feast upon.
With slowing steps to linger...fingering feast
Soft folds of delicate Battenberg lace,
Sunbeams softly tremble on friable webs
Such are the whispers of a rustic place.
Intriguing dusty delight concealed within the shelves
To be carefully chosen yet,
Searching to find the longed for piece
To complete a Dolton chipped tea set.
Savor sweet bouquet breathing pungent aroma
Wafting fragrance unique,
Our hearts glow...wandering on
Boiled lollies, mouth watering for the treat.
Rich, the stroke of velvet colors
Carelessly tossed braid with fringes unkempt,
Among ancient bears and china dolls
Indulging to my hearts content.
Thus the journey so very sentimental
Rummaging nostalgic memory lane,
Hunting for antique priceless treasure
To keep alive the flame.
A conglomerate of must-have collectibles
Purchased at any price,
The call to keep alive the good old days
To reminisce the hearts entice.
But while I shall be searching high and low
Becoming feverish in the task,
May I never neglect the things money cannot buy
The beauty of eternal things,
Lord, keep me holding fast to all that shall last.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2003 used with permission


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