~ Can You See Me ~

Can you see me when I am in pain
Can you see the beauty in me
I am no different than all you see,
Can you see me as someone who needs love
Do you have understanding from God above.

When I am in the hospital because I hurt
Can you see beyond and help me cope,
Can you see a woman who wants someone to care
Ask where I am going and how I got there.

Would you turn your back
 because of the problems in me
Or would you love me enough,
So through your eyes I see
So many are hurtful, no man would look at me
I feel Jesus in my heart, He hears my plea
I need someone who can see my soul.

Can you see the butterfly who has lost her wings
Can you see me in the dark
I have so much love in my heart,
I want to fly again.
I am like a flower without water
Yet I see the sun.

Can you see the me, without the disabilities
Is there hope for a woman no one really sees.
I would like to live my fullest, if possible
When you see I cannot walk and have an illness
Will you understand,
Will you lose your patience because I am not well.
Will you help me over my hurdle then.

Please hold my hand, do not look away
Can you see me when my blue eyes are full of tears
I have always had them
But they grow worse through the years.
People tell me no man will take me on
I have too many problems, I must go on.

I am human, I am not a spirit, I feel
I want to hold you close
I want you, can you see me now.
For once in my life I want to be happy
Why do so many try to take my happiness away.
Why can people not see beyond my wheelchair
And my hospital stays
Can you see me, take a long look,
Behind my eyes there is a soul
I want to be someone I do not know,
But I can see me.

Linda Ann Henry
© 2004
Do you remember me
The people's poet

"Blow upon my garden that the
spices may there-of flow out."
Song of Solomon 4:16

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