~ Country Charm Friend ~
Here-in lies the memories
Here is displayed the sweetest charm,
Where we found our little hearts
Developed safe from harm.

To carry then such treasured secrets
Of special hidden depths,
As we silently smile of how we laughed
And ponder why we wept.

For here we learnt of sweet tenderness
Of life, the sadness brought by death,
And there we tucked inside
The gentleness we kept.

Each aroma, every texture we stroked
Clearly etching a framework designed,
Enfolding the real, that is mine
Another could never find.

Unique and delicate, my own call
Only Jesus and I know about it all,
He alone watched me discovering love
No one else can know me more.

But then, the wonder, like a window
Letting in pure light,
As from cyber space a kindred heart appears
And we find a heartbeat so alike.

Then, in the unlocking of treasured secrets
Of such country charm together,
We discover the sweetest memories
Binding us, as friends forever.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2004 used with permission


Love is the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.

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