Friendship's Note

A broken arrow we will never see
This friendship strong and true
Secrets locked within the wind
I share with you

One heart broken cries to you
Pain you try to ease
Kindness in suffering helps in so many ways
Truth spoken never lies

Wisdom is friendship
For it never dies
Values we place upon the earth
Placed in heaven before our birth

Friendship tied with a knot
Held strong bound without fear
I speak to you my friend, you listen
You are always there

Today I thought of you
and how much you mean to me
I looked inside my heart
and what did I see?
There's an X that marks the spot
I have reserved it for you
Like a buried treasure plot

Inside there is friendship love that's true
Memories of times of me and you
Life's Roses, Dreams, Good and Bad
Sunshine ,Secrets , Hopes and Tears

Just a few of these things we have shared
down through these past years

So I wrote this note.. as a reminder
just in case sometime I'm not here
You'll know without a doubt, my friend
I always...loved and held you dear

My Friend You Are The X That Marks The Spot

Written by
Floreann Cawley
Bonnie Ray
© 2004 used with permission



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