~ God's Gentle Waves ~

The waves roll gently in,
only to crash back out again....
God's song of strength and beauty,
it is all part of his plan.

I think of Jesus walking on water,
to his disciples fearful shouts...
the faith that we must truly have,
that we should NEVER doubt.

Thank you, Lord for the wonder,..
the beauty of your world,....
the blessings you bestow each day....
the goodness you unfurl.......

The seagulls search to find their fill,
for you provide all needs...
oh, vast, and mysterious ocean,
the respect you demand...I'll heed.

Yes, wash my soul, oh gentle wave,
cleanse this heart of mine,
never let me doubt God's Love,
and bless me for all time.

Denise Lanford
2003 used with permission


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