~ God's Own Words ~
An Angel once stood
At the foot of my bed.
I was not sleeping,
But wide awake instead.
I was a troubled young adult,
Seeking answers to questions I had.
For life was not easy,
And I was feeling so sad.
Please God, I whispered in prayer,
Tell me what I need to know
To walk the path you choose,
And that will let my spirit grow.
In a voice I heard so clear,
Out loud or within my head,
I'll never really know for sure,
For only six words were said.
God is love, God is hope,
Was the message I received.
My angel then disappeared,
But, those words I believed.
God's words have served me well
As I traveled the path of life.
In my soul I carried hope
To handle those days of strife.
And there was always room
For one  more person in my heart,
Always finding something to love,
Something that set each one apart.
Yes, words that may look small
Are huge in their influence.
They changed my life I know
So I speak in their defense.
Get rid of all the hate,
Eliminate all despair.
Fill your heart with hope
and lots of love to share.
For those were God's own words,
Sent down by an angel from above.
For He has hope for all mankind,
And with all of us He shares His love.
8/03 used with permission

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