~ God Whispers ~

God whispers inner messages,
so listen to your spirit.
You must be still within yourself,
so you'll be sure to hear it.

God whispers when we hurt,
for he understands our pain.
He showers us with love
when our world is full of rain.

God whispers to your heart,
that little "inner voice",
is the Holy Spirit's gift,
helping you make a choice.

God whispers in the stillness
and the struggles in your path
are all there for a reason,
learn those lessons that will last.

God whispers when you're happy,
he delights in you, my friend,
he nudges you to smile,
and will be there to the end.

God whispers when you sleep,
in dreams you travel thru...
Please don't ever doubt
God whispers to me and you.

Denise Lanford

© 2004 used with permission

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