Do not weep for me too long,
As I just slipped aside into a lovely garden room,
I live on as you do,
We didn't part, I just went ahead
For you to join me very soon.

Talk often of us, as though I am still there
Because I have not gone very far away,
I am more alive than you can dream
My precious, together we will know eternal day.

Where all our being is made more glorious
Shining brighter in another place,
Speak of me with the same familiar voice
With no need to re-call the lines upon my face.

For I have been renewed
So wear no dark heavy robe of sorrow,
Keep your laughter about all that we held as true
As you'll leap in joy with me tomorrow.

Everything of value still remains the same
Preserved in it's continual measure,
Lift your steps ever higher to find
Living wonder that your heart can treasure.

For I am not floating in some gloomy shadows
But living secure in a perfect love,
Thank you for giving of your delight to me
Your sweet sacrifices
Prepared my heart to rise above.

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems © 2004

Listen, I tell you a mystery,
we will not all sleep,
but we will all be changed,
in a flash in the twinkling of an eye
1 Corinthians 15: 51,52

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Midi..Terry Butler
Everything is in Your Hands
arrangement by David Yanofsky
Copyright © 1995 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing


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