What is it to mean
How is this to say,
God has the sole rights for heaven's will on earth
How is this to be understood along the way.

For if He has the blue prints
Of everything He made,
Can anybody duplicate and then make
The hallmarks of His trade.

We gaze at all of nature, the joy, that He unveiled
And wonder at the feat,
Oh, yes we exclaim, He has the sole rights to unfold
For no-one can repeat.

Thus, all that He gives is but His to deliver
He is the Creator of every touch of wonder ,
That He calls for us to share far and wide,
The beauty He imparts is His, to give life
And thus comes to us, to scatter from our sight.

As, all God speaks to usher forth, are His gifts
To accomplish His perfect will,
The small part of the glory He channels in us
Is for what He shall fulfill.

If He has the soul rights of all that He creates
Then He shall have His way,
All of heaven He gives to us on earth is His to keep
What choice have we but to enjoy what comes and goes
He alone has the keys to say.

I can only bow in worship...

Soft Whispers from
Derry's Heart Poems
© 2005 used with permission

"If God creates the seeds to scatter
imagine the harvest."

I Can Only Bow To Worship...

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Midi.. Come, Now Is The Time To Worship
Brian Doerksen Sequenced by Rick Mosher © 1998 Vineyard Songs


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